AC Plastiques USA, LLC (ACP) considers safety one of its highest priorities. We strive to conduct all operations safely and prudently while providing our customers with the finest services and equipment available. To meet that goal, ACP employees work together to assure our customers that each project undertaken reflects a commitment to safety, pride in our work, in our reputation and ourselves. All ACP employees who engage in production or field operations are required to maintain up to date safety training. If a customer requires additional training, our Health, Safety and Environment department works with the customer and the employees to obtain the needed training and we maintain an employee training matrix and documents training needs and activities.

Current HSE information for AC Plastiques USA, LLC

ACP continuously works to improve our safety culture by building a behavioral-based approach to safety, involving all employees and deploying programs and safety-related efforts throughout the company. We believe that everyone in the company participates in maintaining and improving our safety culture. At ACP we take safety seriously.

  • DISA- 27841
  • ISN- 400-178447
  • Avetta- 15907
  • ACP has an active and completed Standardized Safety Questionnaire (SSQ) with PEC

If you would like further safety-related information don’t hesitate to contact us.